List for Happiness

Last Updated on 24/09/2022

A slightly edited version of a list I found. Origins are (probably) some publication of religious press in the USA during the sixties.
  1. Live a simple life. Be temperate in your habits. Avoid self seeking and selfishness. Make simplicity the keynote of your daily plans. Simple things are best.
  2. Spend less than you earn. This may be difficult, but it pays big dividends. Keep out of debt. Cultivate frugality, prudence, and self-denial. Avoid extravagance.
  3. Think constructively. Train yourself to think clearly and accurately, store your mind with useful thoughts. Stand porter at the door of your mind.
  4. Cultivate a yielding disposition. Resist the common tendency to want things your own way. Try to see the other person’s point of view.
  5. Be grateful. Begin the day with gratitude for your opportunities and blessings. Be glad for the privilege of life and art.
  6. Rule your moods. Cultivate a mental attitude of peace and good will.
  7. Give generously. There is no greater joy in life than to render happiness to others by means of intelligent giving.
  8. Work with right motives. The highest purpose of your life should be to grow in spiritual grace and potential.
  9. Be interested in others. Direct your mind from self-centredness. In the degree that you give, serve, and help you will experience the by-product of happiness.
  10. Live in a daylight compartment. This means living one day at a time. Concentrate on your immediate task. Make the most of today for it is all you have.
  11. Have a hobby. Books, walking, gardening, music, cooking, foreign languages, cinemas, hobby tasting, sketching, singing, public speaking, photography, social service, birding, are examples. Cultivate an avocation to which you can turn for diversion and relaxation.
  12. Keep close with Nature. True and enduring happiness depends on close alliance with Her. It is your privilege to share Her thoughts for your spiritual nourishment, and to have a constant assurance of Divine protection and Guidance.