When you feel you don’t have enough time for everything

Last Updated on 24/09/2022

“The important question is not “what should I work on?” or “how should I decide and prioritize?”. It is something like: “I have thought processes, they model imaginary futures and guide me. Why do I have an imaginary future of not being enough of an expert and feel suffering in the present? Where did that thought come from and what is it doing for me, and do I want to keep it?

You can go with the desire: “why do I need to be an expert in many things?” – whose respect are you trying to earn? Whose criticism are you trying to avoid? Who are you trying to avoid being like? What emotional disaster are you trying to protect you from? Or the other side, “What is so bad if I am not an expert in many things on my deathbed?”, what imagined social or emotional harm is that warning me of?”

A comment I found online in an discussion, rewritten for readability.