Dérive 2

Last Updated on 17/08/2022

Another sunny walk. Wednesday, the middle of the week. I had to bring back a charger a friend left at my place and decided to go for a walk afterwards because why not.

There are four different murals close to the neighbourhood I live. They depict a family, labour, dance and art. Made by Klaas van Dijk, an artist from De Ploeg.

They are really beautiful in my opinion and I love the topics.

There is some excellent security going on here.

I also found out there is an actually Jehova Witnesses HQ near me. Not knocked on my door yet.

I have never been a huge fan of koek in any form, but feel free to support your local business.

I don’t like that emoji.
Joost Swarte – always great.
These are machines that are a pick up
for medication.

I gave a orchid for a friend’s birthday. This person has a good collection.
Someone had enough of this SHIT!
It was the day old paper gets collected. Usually the perfect day
to dump all your boxes outside your house without
getting fined.
A good spot to chill. Public garbage cans are ugly for pics, but a blessing in real life.
Just a nice detail.
Usually these student houses have dumb names and a dumb imagery. But props to this one.
Sketchy ATMs have been popping up more and more.
I think tourists have to pay a lot of markup?
And I discovered another AH popped up as well at Westerhaven. Boring from inside. Didn’t buy a thing.

Alkmaar cheese carriers (Alkmaarse kaasdragers).

Anno Smith is lovely! I discovered there is a mural of two microscopes on the same street I live at. I should check them out.

The old Groningen Museum – now part of Minerva.
And I finally used the most fancy public toilet in Groningen.

I wonder what year 2022 will bring.
Another small oasis somewhere.
“In the front facade is an older gable stone, which comes from the old miller’s house that no longer exists that stood next to the building.” From the dry monument’s website.
An artist residence. Het Resort. There used to be a gay sauna here. Before corona there was a fun party here during Eurosonic.

My random location was around here, in Westerhavenstraat. It’s a nice street that I never went before. I had two encounters shortly – the person living in the monumental building started to tell stories about the history of the building. Later, a lady saw me taking pictures and told me she loved to take pictures as well, since it forces herself to look differently around the world. She had a lot of stories about her time in Groningen and it turned out she lived it the same neighbourhood as I did. We both said we hoped to see eachother again in the local supermarket.

An local lady using her medium to make comments about the world. I thought at first she was complaining about the lack of green in the city and not enough parking places for bikes but it’s the opposite — she wants more parking spaces for cars and less nature and bikes. Boomers gonna boom.
My favourite pub is surviving with home delivery.
An archive of wooden panels from old houses.
The pandemic is still ongoing.
Walking back I saw still two election posters hanging. Left is the radical green party and the other is the boring conservative party. I wonder if they have fights about this.
That was my walk again. I was a bit busy so I only was able to upload this walk a week later. Luckily pictures always help restoring the memories. The weather has not been that great so far. The appetite for a new walk will hopefully soon come again!